ゲンテン at 武蔵松山カントリークラブ(日下部直太)

2017年5月29日 |

Hello, golf lovers!

This is Maria the new coach on the block or in the blog, as you like(^-^)

So I ‘m here to tell you how our day developed on one of our Genten course lessons which was taken at Musashi Matsuyama CC, 2017/05/07.

Well,the day started with the registration, glad to see some familiar faces, then followed by counseling one student at a time. The day was hot but sort of cloudy.

After that we headed to the driving range where Naoto coach kindly provided us with some warming ups and stretchings.

Then all of our 5 students started hitting balls at the range. We (Naoto and myself) were teaching there for about 2 hours and a half where I could take a nice pic of Naoto coach teaching nearby the blooming azaleas.

Then lunch break came.

Around 13:00 o’clock we went to practice some chip shots, pitching shots and bunker shots.
It’s awesome to see how with very simple advices, students may experience a different image of themselves stroking the ball.

At 14:30 we went out to the course where students could practice many different kind of shots, including full shots in difficult positions, approaches from a variety of angles.
And then we could play 3 holes teaming up doubles, myself included, on alternate shots fashion(^-^)

After that, we went back to the club house, where once again, we talked to each and every student, regarding the day’s accomplishments.

Naoto coach is such a nice fellow, it is always nice to work with him because he is so understanding and open to new information.

As for me, the Brazilian new coach, I guess you need to take one of my lessons to be able to judge.

Everybody may be wondering what’s up with the title of this article. It happens that at the same very day during the lesson, I got attacked by some terrible, no food, restless buyos. The result is an aching, feverish, irritated leg. So, my best advice for everyone who challenges to go to a golf course is to use not only your sunscreen but also a powerful insect repellent.

Good luck everyone and hope to see you around,





マリア プリシラ イイダ

マリア プリシラ イイダ



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